Canvas - Time Accomodations on Quizzes

Canvas - Time Accomodations on Quizzes

If you have received an accommodation request from a student to receive extended time on assignments or quizzes, the following tutorials will walk you through the process of providing those in Canvas.

Students may need time accomodations for an assignment or exam for any of the following reasons:

  • Additional time requested and provided through Disability Support Services (DSS);

  • Missing the initial time of exam or assignment submission due to life events (personal/family emergencies, illness, traveling for away game/match through Le Moyne Athletics, etc.);

  • The student is taking a course incomplete, and will need access to the course materials and assignments after initial the initial term and due dates.

For help setting up extended time accommodations for assignments or quizzes, submit a request by contacting the https://lemoyne.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1. A member of the Instructional Design & Academic Technology team can provide one-on-one help through appointment prior to the scheduled exam time.

Extended Time on Assignments

This guide covers how to modify due dates on an assignment for individual students in Canvas. If you have received an accommodation request to provide a student with extended time on an assignment, the steps below will take you through the process to provide that accommodation.

Please review the guide https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-assign-an-assignment-to-an-individual-student/ta-p/717. Provided by Canvas Instructure, the document provides step-by-step instructions for using the +Add function in the Assignment editing page that provides an additional due date and availability range for one or a small group of students.

Extended Time on Quizzes

This guide will cover how to modify the quiz time allotted to individual students in Canvas on a quiz. If you have received an accommodation request to provide a student with extended time on assessments, the steps below will take you through the process to provide adequate time for an individual quiz.

Please review the guide https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/Once-I-publish-a-timed-quiz-how-can-I-give-my-students-extra/ta-p/999. Provided by Canvas Instructure, the document provides an overview of the Moderate this Quiz function.

Additional time may be provided prior to the start time, or during the student’s quiz attempt.

Providing additional time prior to the quiz attempt
Providing additional time during the quiz attempt


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