Welcome to Le Moyne! We are excited to be involved in your introduction to campus. "We" are Roula Creighton, Mounika Ragula, Royce Robertson, the Instructional Design and Academic Technology (ID/AT) Team at Le Moyne College. We support your ID and AT needs, including instructional design and development, learning management systems (Canvas), lecture capture and active learning tools (Kaltura), and virtual classroom support. We hope that you take advantage of our services early and often.
Our intent is to simply provide an introduction and encourage you to consider our services. It appears that your Le Moyne account has been created and you have been assigned to your respective courses, so you can start preparing your Canvas course shell for the semester! Your Le Moyne login information can be obtained through our Service Desk at servicedesk@lemoyne.edu or 315.445.4579.
Below is a recent message to all faculty. It contains some useful links.
As we forge earnestly into Spring, I am writing to remind faculty members that the Instructional Design and Academic Technology (ID/AT) team is available to assist with a variety of instructional and technological needs. We are staffed throughout the semester, and are available for individual, small group, and large group workshops. Topics include the design, development, management and implementation of synchronous, asynchronous or blended courses. Here are just a few reminders.
Wondering if your syllabus is complete? Make a point to review the Le Moyne College Syllabus Checklist before publishing your syllabus in Canvas.
If you are planning an online course for the first time, please submit a request to servicedesk@lemoyne.edu for our (Re)thinking your Course workshop (on demand)
Seeking resources and other learning materials? Please consider visiting the ID/AT website or perusing our Canvas course for faculty.
Need to speak with someone about designing and developing your course? Plan on scheduling individual coaching sessions.
Concerned that you are "not done" or "missing is something"? Please assess your course using our course readiness checklist.
Is your Course is already built? Are your students already working? But, you still have questions... Schedule a pedagogical coaching session to learn tips and tricks you can immediately use.
Concerned about reaching and accommodating diverse students? Read the Recommendations for Inclusive Online Instruction from the Provost’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion.
Concerned if your course content is not accessible for those with disabilities, please make an appointment with us to review key changes that you can make now.
On behalf of the ID/AT team, we wish you all the best during the upcoming term. Please let one of us know if you have any questions regarding your course design and development. Stay in touch. Have fun.