AMS: Submit 20-23 Cycle Reflection
  • In progress
  • AMS: Submit 20-23 Cycle Reflection

    The following instructions are for submitting work for the 20-23 Cycle Reflection with Taskstream’s Assessment Management System (AMS).

    Accessing Your Template

    1. Log in to www.lemoyne.edu/taskstream with your Le Moyne username, password, and 2 Factor Authentication code.

    2. On the AMS home page, find your academic program. Underneath your program’s title, click the Academic Assessment and Planning Workspace option.

    3. Clicking Academic Assessment and Planning Workspace opens the “template” for your workspace. When the template opens, look to the Standing Requirements on the left side of the page, and click the 20-23 Cycle Reflection button.

    4. On the upper right of the template, and click the green Check Out button to begin editing the form.

    Editing and Submitting Your Template

    1. There are two ways to edit the form:

      1. Click on the Form button;

      2. Click on the link View/Edit Your Responses.

    Either option is appropriate to proceed.

    1. After opening the editing function of the form, copy and paste the responses from your document to the text box in the form.

    2. Click the blue Save and Return button.

    3. Click the green Check In button.

    Always remember to check back in the form you’ve checked out in your template!

    1. Click on the Submission and Read Reviews tab.

    2. Scroll down and click on the Submit Work button for the 20-23 Cycle Revision requirement.

    3. Click on Yes, Submit My Work.


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