Changing Chair Access to Course Evaluations

Changing Chair Access to Course Evaluations

Note: These instructors assume that you have administrator access to the course evaluation system and that the schools (A&S, Madden, Purcell) have provided one or more changes. Bulk changes could occur at few as three times per year, prior to Fall, Spring and Summer terms, as well as ad hoc changes.

  1. Login as the administrator: Sign-In | Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys

To add someone who has never been a Chair:


To reassign a prior Chair:

  1. Click on Account - Manage Administrators

  2. Use the search function to find a User

  3. Scan the results of the search. On the right, click on the pencil to edit the User.

  4. When someone has been identified as the Chair, they need to be assigned (on the right menu) Report Admin and Course Admin privileges

    1. If you are removing Chair privileges, then uncheck the Report Admin privilege and leave everything else the same

  5. Then, on the bottom select the department in the node and hierarchy

  6. When complete, click Save

To remove after they have left the institution

  1. Make sure the new Chair has an administrator account



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