Ally: Accessibility in Canvas

Ally: Accessibility in Canvas

Ally is a tool that can help faculty check and improve the accessibility of their courses in Canvas.

What are the features of using Ally for Accessibility?


What are the colorful "dial" icons in Canvas?

You may have noticed colorful "dial" icons next to your course files in Canvas. These icons represent Ally, a powerful tool that checks the accessibility of course content and files uploaded by instructors. Ally's purpose is to provide feedback to instructors regarding the accessibility of resources for students with disabilities.

Who can see the Accessibility Report in my course?

The Accessibility Report is not visible to students—only to teachers, course designers, or Canvas admins. The Accessibility Report provides a summary and overview of accessibility issues in the course content. Review vendor documentation about the Accessibility Report.

What support is there to improve my Accessibility score?

The Instructional Design and Academic Technology Team has a skilled, dedicated group of students that assist in the remediation of courses. The Document Accessibility Remediation Team (DART) work with files, PDFs, and other course remediation support to improve accessibility scores. To learn more about the DART team or request remediation support, connect with Mounika Ragula in an emailed request to servicedesk@lemoyne.edu.


Related Resource Guides

  1. Ally: Copyright and Translated Files

  2. Ally: Disable Alternative Format

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