Faculty Access Course Evaluations EK EvaluationKit

Faculty Access Course Evaluations EK EvaluationKit

The course evaluation platform is directly accessible through the website https://lemoyne.evaluationkit.com/ by signing in with your Le Moyne account information.

Below are the instructions to access Course Evaluations through Canvas.

Course Evaluations and Reports Through Canvas

  1. Login into Canvas at https://canvas.lemoyne.edu/

  2. Click the Account option from the green menu on the left.

  3. Then, from the pop-out window, click the Settings button as seen below:

  1. In your account Settings, click the Course Evaluations button from the list on the left side of the page.

NOTE: It may take a few seconds for the Course Evaluations option to appear. When available, it appears between Shared Content and QR for Mobile Login.

  1. When EvaluationKit launches and the list of semesters appears, find the semester you desire to view then click the link.

NOTE: If no evaluations show up, look in the upper right tab, as seen below. This tab allows you to switch between roles if you serve multiple academic roles for the institution.

  • Switch roles from Student or Administrator to Instructor.

  • If you are a department chair wishing to view the evaluations of others, switch to Administrator.

  1. After the semester is selected, the list of courses taught will appear. Look to the right hand side. Click on the download icon, and select Detailed Report + Comments. This will download a PDF. 

  1. Open, review, save, print PDF as needed.

Course Evaluations - Canvas Sign In and Report Video Demo

Please note that the video below is from an older design of EvaluationKit’s Course Evaluations. The instructions are unchanged; however, the visual design and the additional step (click Account Photo, then Settings, then Course Evaluations) are for our current version.

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