Spring 2022 Remote Teaching Setup

Spring 2022 Remote Teaching Setup

In accordance with the decision to transition to remote learning for the first two weeks of the Spring 2022 semester, the Instructional Design and Academic Technology (ID/AT) team are available to assist faculty to prepare their courses for remote instruction using Zoom, Kaltura, and Canvas. Please see the checklist below to guide you through the steps necessary to do live, synchronous instruction. Also, a list of workshops are included at the end of the announcement, including links to registration.  The instructions below are also available in video format

Steps to Prepare Canvas, Zoom, and Kaltura for Remote Instruction

Note: All of these instructions assume that the course is published, as well as any pertinent modules, pages, assignments, etc. are also published. Students will not be able to access unpublished courses and materials. 

While logged into Canvas, the first step is to enable Zoom and Kaltura. This involves using the Navigation tab in Settings to enable three apps: Zoom, My Media, and Media Gallery. Enabling Zoom allows the instructor to schedule, manage, and start Zoom meetings directly from the Canvas course. Enabling My Media and Media Gallery allows Kaltura to save and store all recordings in My Media, and share them through Media Gallery. 

The second step is to schedule your class as a Zoom meeting through Canvas. While logged into Canvas, click on the Zoom link in the left menu, and follow these instructions to create a recurring meeting during the days and times of your class.  

Note: When clicking on Zoom through Canvas for the first time, you may have to authorize Zoom. If any problems or errors occur during the authorization process, please contact the IT Service Desk

At the time of your class session, you can launch class by logging into your Canvas course, clicking on Zoom, finding the course session and clicking Start. 

If you need any assistance with these instructions, please attend for one of the following workshops: 

Other resources available to you include: 

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