Schedule a Zoom Meeting in Canvas
Integration of Zoom into your Canvas course simplifies scheduling and hosting meetings directly on your Canvas course page. This feature streamlines access for students, who can easily join upcoming Zoom sessions from the dedicated Zoom section within your course.
By following these steps, you can efficiently schedule and manage Zoom meetings within your Canvas course, ensuring a seamless learning experience for your students.
Please follow the steps below after enabling Zoom in your Canvas course. If you have not yet done so, please refer to our guide TITLE first.
Note: you will know Zoom has not yet been enabled if you cannot see “Zoom” on the left hand navigation menu in your Canvas course, as pictured below.
Accessing Zoom and Creating a New Meeting
Access Zoom: In your Canvas course, navigate to the "Zoom" tool within the course navigation menu.
Create a New Meeting: Click the "Schedule a New Meeting" button on the Zoom tool's landing page.
Including Course Title and Meeting Details
After clicking the Schedule a New Meeting option, you will have the ability to customize your meeting preferences, similar to the image below.
Once you are complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the blue Save button.
Click the drop-down menus below to learn more about the different ways to customize your Zoom meetings through Canvas!
One-on-one or small group sessions can be scheduled for going through the settings or enabling Zoom in your Canvas course. To schedule time, please submit a request to the IT Service Desk.